Dora Wang 

Dora Wang; Photo - Nicola Betts; DSC_9476.JPG

Dora Wang started her professional music career at the Affiliated Middle School of Tianjin conservatory of music with a major in bamboo flute in 1998. During her studies, she mastered all different performing styles and developed skills in other Chinese musical instruments, such as xiao, xun, bawu, and hulusi. In 2003, she was granted the Second Place Award in a national professional completion in China and was invited to visit Europe on different occasions to perform on the Chinese bamboo flute as an inter-cultural exchange performer. She graduated from the conservatory in 2008 and, in the same year, she held her first successful recital. After immigrating to Canada, she founded her band, Melody of Bamboo Music, with whom she continues to perform at major events across Canada.